MusicPhysio-Kongress 2018
- 10:00-12:00: Registration
- 12:00-13:00: Opening, Prof. Dr. med. Christoff Zalpour, President PAMA, President DGfMM
- 13:00-14:00: Parallel lectures and workshop
- Dr. Hara Trouli
The Role of Lower Trapezius in Neck and Shoulder Pain in Violin, Viola and Cello Players - Cinzia Cruder
Evaluation of a preventive program to reduce the impact of playing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs) in professional music students. Preliminary results - Alexandra Türk-Espitalier
The effect of expiratory muscle strength training on the performance of trumpet players - Grete Ege
Do they need to suffer, to shine? Playing related musculoskeletal disorders in musicians - Marija Podnar
Asymmetric playing postures of instrumentalists – Health issues, prevention and physiotherapy - Beatrice Säck
The Musculoskeletal Strain of Brass – A Systematic Review of the Literature - Workshop: Camilla Kapitza
Anamnesis and analysis of performance related problems
- Dr. Hara Trouli
- 14:00-15:30: Prof. Lorimer Moseley, Performance & Pain
- 15:30-16:00: Break
16:00-16:45: Prof. Nikolaus Ballenberger, Occurrence of Musculoskeletal Health Complaints and associated Risk Factors in Music Students and Non-music Students – Interim Results from an ongoing Cohort study
- 16:45-17:45: Parallel lectures and workshop
- Marta Nemcova
Hidden Arm and Hand Characteristics of Percussionists - Suzanne Wijsman
Sound Performers: embedding an evidence-based, physiotherapy approach into online tertiary music health education - Dr. Bryony Buck
Expertise-related movement patterns in drumming - Camilla Kapitza & Hauko Wessels
Interdisciplinary artistic-physiotherapeutic consultation hour as a part of the university education of viola and violin players - Hans-Christian Jabusch
Expertise-related differences in forearm muscle co-contraction in drummers - Cinzia Cruder
Pain analysis in musicians using digital pain drawings - Workshop: Marc Bangert
- Marta Nemcova
- 18:00-18:30: DGfMM Award ceremony
- (1.) Scientific-Award: Laudation and presentation
- (2.) Musicphysiology-Award
- 18:30: Get-together

- 9:00-10:00: Opening, Prof. Dr. med. Eckart Altenmüller, Movement Disorders in Musician's: Differential diagnosis and treatment options
- 10:00-10:30: Dr. Sonia Ranelli, Upper limb problems in young musicians
- 10:30-10:45: Break
- 10:45- 11:30: Parallel workshops
- Marija Podnar
Practical physiotherapeutic "Grounding" Exercises for Musicians - Heike Schemmann (M.Sc.) & Katharina Betten (Dipl. Instr. Päd) (in German)
- Ergonomische Instrumentenanpassung am Beispiel einer Saxophonistin mit spielbedingter Überlastung des Daumens – eine Zusammenarbeit von Musiker-Physiotherapie und Instrumentalpädagogik (DGfMM-Workshop)
- Alime Büyük
"Pelvic Pain and Posture Assesment and Management in Professional Musicians”
- Marija Podnar
- 11:30-12:15: Prof. Dr. Bronwen Ackermann, Musicians' physiotherapy: past, present future
- 12:15-13:00: Dr. med. Jaume i Rosset Llobet, Musician's health and injury. A dynamic system approach.
- 13:00-14:00: Break (Mensa)
- 14:00-15:00: Dr. Jan Dommerholt, Myofascial pain in instrumental musicians
- 15:00-16:25: Parallel workshops
- Prof. Dr. Bronwen Ackermann
Breath control for musicians - techniques to assess and facilitate respiratory function for stress, support and sound - Dr. Sonia Ranelli
Physical and sensory assessment in musicians and implications for management - Hanna Keßeler (in German)
Fit im Musikeralltag
- Prof. Dr. Bronwen Ackermann
- 16:30-18:00: Parallel workshops
- Dr. Jan Dommerholt
Management of myofascial pain - Dr. med. Jaume Rosset i Llobet
Differential Learning to musician's injuries treatment and prevention - Prof. Hauko Wessels & Camilla Kapitza (M.Sc. PT, OMPT) (in German)
Interdisziplinäre künstlerisch-physiotherapeutische Sprechstunde im Rahmen der Hochschulausbildung von hohen Streichen
- Dr. Jan Dommerholt
- 18:00: Musical performance

- 9:00-9:30: Opening, Prof. Dr. Harry von Piekartz, Sjoerd Swibettus
- Prof. Dr. Harry Piekartz, Functional Dysphonia . State of the Art and indication for musculoskeletal therapy.
- 9:30-10:15: Ed Blake, Laryngeal and neck assessment and management in professional voice users
- Parallel workshops
- Dirk Möller & Christian Lersch
Sensor controlled muscle function diagnosis in musicians´ health - Heidi Tanno
Scapula Stability for musicians
- Dirk Möller & Christian Lersch
- 10:15-11:00: Parallel workshops
- Dirk Möller & Christian Lersch
Sensor controlled muscle function diagnosis in musicians´ health - Heidi Tanno
Scapula Stability for musicians
- Dirk Möller & Christian Lersch
- 11:00-11:30: Break
- 11:30-12:15: Robert Kuizenga, Physiotherapy & Voice
- 12:15-13:00: Prof. Dr. Ulrik Roijzon, Posture, Motor Control and Performance – Implications for Musicians
- 13:00-14:00: Performance Sjoerd Swibettus, Break
14:00-15:00: Parallel lectures
- Alyona Podkyvora, Camilla Kapitza, Christoff Zalpour
- Investigation of risk factors for injuries of the lower extremities in a population of dancers – a cross-sectional study.
- Guna Semjonova
Reliability of the DAid Smart shirt for Shoulder Girdle Motion Assessment during violin performance - Lisa Brachfeld
Injury Prevention and Health Promotion: Knowledge and Attitudes of Performing Artists - Dirk Möller
The potential relevance of altered muscle activity and fatigue in the development of performance-related musculoskeletal injuries in high string musicians - Aisha Sheikh
An analysis of Postural Control of Dancers during Visual Feedback from a Mirror - Oliver Margulies
Individually Optimised Violin Positions on a Scientific Basis
- Guna Semjonova
- 15:00-16:30: Workshop Prof. Lorimer Moseley, Motorcontrol & pain
- 16:30-16:45: Break
- 16:45-18:00: Parallel workshops
- Robert Kuizenga
Physiotherapy & Voice - Ed Blake
Laryngeal and neck assessment and management in professional voice users - Sjoerd Swibettus
Is the spine the keyboard of the body? Articulation and mime techniques for musicians
- Robert Kuizenga
- 18:00: Closing ceremony

University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
- Senior Lecture in Biomedical Sciences
- Editor of Medical Problems of Performing Artists (MPPA)
- Board member of Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA)

Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover, Institut für Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin
Dr. Altenmüller ist Professor und Direktor des Instituts für Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin und der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover.
Nach seinem Abschluss in Medizin und Musik arbeitete er als Postdoc in der Abteilung für Klinische Neurophysiologie in Freiburg, wo er die Gehirnaktivierung während der auditiven Verarbeitung von Musik und das Erlernen von Feinmotorik erforschte. Er erhielt seine klinische Ausbildung in Neurologie an der Neurologischen Klinik der Universität Tübingen (Leiter der Abteilung Prof. Dr. J. Dichgans). Seit 1994 ist er Vorsitzender und Direktor des Instituts für Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin. Er forscht weiter an Bewegungsstörungen bei Musikern und am motorischen und sensorischen Lernen sowie an den Auswirkungen von Musik auf Emotionen.
Dr. Altenmüller ist seit 2005 Mitglied der renommierten Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. 2013 erhielt er den Wissenschaftspreis des Landes Niedersachsen, seit 2015 ist er Vizepräsident der Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Hannover.

Curtin University, Australia
- Award 2014: Awards for Excellence in Innovative Implementation in Clinical Practice
- Teaching: undergraduate and postgraduate musculoskeletal science and upper limb and hand therapy
- Research:Upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in young musicians and associated risk factors; Musicians health and well-being; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Professor Lorimer Moseley graduated in Physiotherapy with Honours in Biomechanics in 2002. He worked clinically for the NSW Academy of Sport as part of its olympian preparation programme, and then shifted to a role with a persistent pain program. After 7 years clinical practice, he combined clinical practice with a PhD from Sydney University (2002). After a post-doctoral fellowship at Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital/University of Queensland, he became the first physiotherapist to be appointed Nuffield Research Fellow at Oxford University UK (2004). In 2007 he was judged by the International Association for the Study of Pain, as the outstanding mid-career clinical scientist working in a pain-related field. In 2011, he became Australia’s youngest Chair in medical or allied health, appointed Professor of Clinical Neurosciences and Foundation Chair in Physiotherapy at the University of South Australia. He was made Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists in 2012, honoured member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association (its highest honour) in 2014. In 2017, he became the first physiotherapist to be made Honorary Fellow of the ANZCA Faculty of Pain Medicine, in recognition of contribution to the field of pain management and anaesthesia, and in the same year the first DSc recipient from the University of South Australia, for his outstanding contribution to the management of pain internationally. He has written over 300 articles and five books. He is Strategic Adviser for PAIN, editorial board member for the European Journal of Pain, the Journal of Pain and British Journal of Sports Medicine. His research group’s outreach and engagement strategise are internationally renowned, including,, the Pain Revolution Rural Outreach & Cycling Tour and the Local Pain Educator Programme, the Art of Pain and the MODify Exhibition. Their public videos and articles have been read/viewed over 5 million times, not including closed circuit sharing such as the case in many publish hospital and community centre waiting rooms internationally. In 2018, he became the first non-American winner of the prestigious Public Service Prize. Lorimer lives in Adelaide, the home of the Karna people of the Adelaide plains, and rides a push scooter to work in 8 minutes.

Bethesda Physiocare, Maryland, USA
- Treatment of myofascial syndromes
- Treatment of chronic pain syndromes
- Expertise in dry needling techniques

Department of Health Sciences, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
- Research in musicians' healthe and performance; motor control and sports science
- Cross-disziplinary projects combining expertise from health & medicine with performing arts and engeneering and physics

Sento Medical Manual Therapy Practice, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Classic Singer (Countertenor)
- Clinical expertise in manual therapy and singing

Physio ED, London
- Director and Lead Physiotherapist Physio ED Medical
- Expertise in treatments for vocal patients
- Expertise in management of dance and performance related injuries

Walkingfaces, Arnhem, Netherlands
- - physische Poesie, die Skulptur von Menschen in Bewegung, Studien: -
- Universität von Amsterdam, Niederländische Studien, Psychologie / Graphologie, -
- Theaterschule Amsterdam: Pantomime und moderner Tanz, - Comobrothers, Thomas Leaphart Illinois, Martha Graham, Jane Dudley LSCD,

Institut de Fisiologia i Medicina de l'Art-Terrassa Barcelona, Spain
- Doctor of medicine
- Research in Performing Arts Medicine, neurorehabiliation, moror learning, musculoskeletal disorders
- Expertise in Differential Learning to musician's injuries treatment and prevention; focal dystonia

Education: |
| |
Master of Management Program: Health-Safety and environment management— BI: Norwegian business School, Bergen.
| 2009-2010 |
Specialization in counselling, (individuals, groups and organizations). University of Science, Bergen. | 1996-2002 |
Bachelor, physiotherapy: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. | 1990-1993 |
Current position:Assistant Physiotherapy Manager, Physical Therapy Department, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway. Senior physiotherapist teaching Music Physiology at The Grieg Academy, Bergen and at The Ole Bull Academy, Voss, Norway.
Presentations: “How to play music in harmony with your body-Music physiology. A prevention subject to avoid strain injuries in musicians” Oral presentation at Musicians Health and Performance 1 St. Nordic Conference, Sweden 2013. “Are your body and instrument in a duet or a duel?” Workshops at Musicians Health and Performance 2 ND. Nordic Conference, Denmark 2015. “Body and instrument, duet or duel?” Oral presentation at Performing Arts medicine Association (PAMA) International symposium, USA, 2016. “Body and instrument, duet or duel? An overview on musculoskeletal disorders in musicians”. Invited speaker at a conference for musicians in Norway on musician health. 2017. “No gain without pain?- Playing related musculoskeletal disorders in musicians”. Oral presentation at Musicians Health and Performance 3 rd. Nordic Conference, Finland 2018.
Fields of interest: Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in musicians Health and performance promotion Leadership development and organizational development Health-Safety and environment management

University College London, England
- BOC-Certified Athletic Trainer, UK Registered Sports Therapist, NASM-Certified Personal Trainer, and Performing Arts Medicine Specialist from New Jersey, USA
- Associations, including the International Dance Council, the International Committee for the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, and she is the student representative on the board of directors for the International Foundation for Performing Arts Medicine
- Member of the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science, as well as the Performing Arts Medicine Association
- For her MSc Performing Arts Medicine research, Lisa Brachfeld was the recipient of the ‘BAPAM Best MSc 2017 Award’ and the ‘UCL Faculty of Medicine Research Prize Nomination

She is currently conducting a PhD at the School of Health Sciences, Queen Margaret University of Edinburgh, undertaking a longitudinal investigation of the factors associated with increased risk of disorders among music studentsDepartment for Research and Development at the University School of Music in Lugano, Rehabilitation Research Laboratory (2rLab) of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Her research interests in the artistic research field lie in analysing typical playing-related injuries in musicians and promoting new preventive strategies among schools of music.Developing and designing the new “Modulo Salute”, an innovative preventive course that has been recently integrated in the educational curriculum at the University School of Music in Luga
Past Projects: Breath-(take)ing Flutes. An investigation of playing the flute under stress (MAS Dissertation, 2013); Effects of Fitness training and Yoga training on musicians’ health and wellbeing (2014); Design for Wellbeing (2017/2018)

University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany. Institut für angewandte Physiotherapie und Osteopathie, Osnabrück, Germany
- Manual therapy OMPT, DVMT®
- Expertise: Manual Therapie, CRAFTA (Therapy for craniomandibular Dysfunktion), treatment of vocal dysfunction, NOI: The sensitiv nervous system, Musikerphysiotherapie
- Study-up Award 2010
- IFK award 2013

- Senior Lecturer in Musicphysiology at University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw)
- Program leader of postgraduate course at “Certificate in Advanced Studies in Music Physiology” at University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw)
- Author and Co-Author of the books “Musiker in Bewegung”, “Musicians in Motion” and “Musikergesundheit in der Praxis”
- Active flutist and physiotherapist
- Research: Respiration and respiratory training in wind players
- Teaching: Posture and movement with instrument, practice and training schedules, musicians’ health, prevention programs
- Treatment: (Playing related) musculoskeletal disorders, myofascial pain syndromes
Corresponding address:
Alexandra Türk-Espitalier, MSc
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien/Austria

Marija Podnar is a Ph.D. student at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (MDW) in the field of Systematic Musicology – Musicphysiology. Her supervisors are ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Matthias Bertsch (MDW) and Prof. Dr. med. Christoff Zalpour (University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück). In addition to her musical career (Concert Performance and Pedagogy flute studies at the Academy of Music University of Zagreb, as well as flute and piano Bachelor and Master Studies at the University of Music and performing Arts Vienna), she completed physiotherapy studies at University of Applied Health Sciences Zagreb and University of Applied Sciences Vienna. Marija Podnar won several Croatian flute competitions and was awarded the prestigious "City of Zagreb Award" and "University of Zagreb Special Rector Prize". Beside her Ph.D. study she works as a physiotherapist in Vienna. Her goal to assist musicians in the field of music-physiological prevention and rehabilitation is supported by attending further music-physiotherapy and music-medicine education (recently in Germany and in the USA).

Riga Stradins University, Latvia
- ORTO CLINIC” (traumatology and orthopaedics) Physiotherapists
- Expertise in manual therapy

Suzanne Wijsman is a cellist and Associate Professor in the Conservatorium of Music at the University of Western Australia (AU). She received her education at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music and Oberlin College (USA), as well as receiving MMus and DMA degrees from the Eastman School of Music (USA). She also undertook study at the International Cello Centre (UK) under a Fulbright Award. Suzanne has performed extensively in the USA, Australia and Europe, in chamber music or as recitalist. Projects initiated by Suzanne in the field of musicians’ health have included the application of motion capture technology to study the biomechanics of cello bowing, and a major project in collaboration with Bronwen Ackermann of the University of Sydney, the Musicians' Health Curriculum Initiative (Priority Projects grant, Australian Office of Learning and Teaching), which developed the online musicians’ health learning resource She is currently Academic Lead for a Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Research Development Fund collaborative project, Health Education Literacy and Mobility for Musicians: a global approach, which aims to develop and test multi-modal, multi-cultural, translational applications of online health information in music performance teaching settings:
Practical and academic education
03.14 – 02.18
Ergotherapie, Physiotherapie (B. Sc.), dual; Hochschule Osnabrück
Specialization: physiotherapy
03.14 – 16.02.2017
Practical education physiotherapist, Professor Grewe Schule Osnabrück
2004 – 2013
Abitur, Leopoldinum Detmold
Practical experience
04.17-dato Physiotherapist Rehazentrum Salutaris Detmold
Further educations
Manual Lymphtherapist
Kinematic Taping
Experience with music
Playing the clarinet
Orchester Vahlhausen-Lippe-Detmold (wind orchestra)
Institute of Musicians' Medicine, University of Music Carl Maria von Weber, Dresden, Germany

Institute of Musicians' Medicine, University of Music Carl Maria von Weber, Dresden, Germany
- University of Glasgow, Science & Music Research Group, School of Science & Engineering PhD - “Gestural communication of musical structure during solo classical piano performance”. Specialising in audio and visual communication. Ph.D awarded 22nd June, 2016.Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas J. Bailey. Funded by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
- Duty Officer, Swimming Instructor & Senior Lifeguard: Teaching swimmers aged from 3 months to adulthood with varying abilities. Additional responsibilities include managing a team of lifeguards, mentoring teachers, designing & delivering schemes of work and lesson plans for all ages and abilities, maintaining smooth running of the centre, conducting and implementing risk assessments. Fully NPLQ and SVQ qualified
- Grants-Scholarship: Mac Robertson Scholarship for 3 month internship with Professor Richard Parncutt at the Centre for Systematic Musicology, Karl-Franzens University, Graz, Austria (2009); Jim Gatheral Scholarship for mathematical advancement training used to attend the classes in Empirical Design and Advanced Statistical Analysis for EEG, MEG & fMRI neuroimaging systems at the Neuroscience & Cognition Centre of Excellence, The Donder’s Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging (Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour), Nijmegen, Netherlands, (2009); AHRC Grant funding to assist in attending ISPS, Auckland, N.Z. as part of grant awarded by AHRC to Professor Graham Hair, CMT (2009)

Hans-Christian Jabusch is head of the Institute of Musicians' Medicine at Dresden University of Music Carl Maria von Weber (HfMDD). He is a medical doctor and holds a piano performance degree as well as a habilitation degree in systematic musicology. At HfMDD, he supervises the outpatient clinic for musicians’ disorders and offers courses in music physiology. His scientific interests include sensorimotor learning in musicians and the evaluation and optimization of practice strategies as well as the pathophysiology, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of playing-related disorders in musicians. Since 2017 he has been the Vice President of the German Association for Music Physiology and Musicians' Medicine.
Prof. HC. Jabusch, MD
Institute of Musicians’ Medicine IMM
Dresden University of Music Carl Maria von Weber
Leubnitzer Straße 17b, 01069 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 6475 220
Fax: +49 351 6475 2229

Sanne Verbogt is a 25-year-old bass player, graduated at the Codarts conservatory as a Master of Music in 2016. Besides playing various music styles as a session player and writing music for her own ensembles, Sanne is interested in doing research in both music and education. In 2017 she graduated as a Master in Education Science at the university of Antwerp, with a research intro injury prevention among conservatory students. Sanne is currently doing a doctoral study in both Education Science (university of Antwerp) and Music (Codarts). Sanne teaches and designes music programs at the Codarts conservatory and has published her own music theory method for strings, SV Method.

PT HF, Senior Instruktorin und Präsidentin IMTT, Schweiz
- „Flügel ausser Kontrolle“ Physiopraxis 2011/1 Thieme
- Praxisbuch Myofasziale Triggerpunkte“ Elsevier 2014, französische Auflage Maloine 2016, polnische Auflage Edra, 2018 koreanische Auflage Yeong Mun 2018

Born in Prague, studied harpsichord and musicology in Prague (CZ). 2006 – 2008 scholarship of Académie musicale de Villecroze (F). 2008 – 2012 Advanced Studies program in Music Physiology at the Zurich University of the Arts, 2012 MAS in Music Physiology (CH). 2009 – 2012 PhD Studies at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, 2012 PhD. From 2013 assistant researcher at the Institute for Music Research of the Zurich University of the Arts.

Miki Akaike is a second doctoral student in the University of Tokyo, Japan. Her primary focus lies in the area of quality of higher education in music and to clarify the education environments related to the Music, Health, and Medicine (MHM). Her final goal in the doctoral dissertation would propose the ideal learning environment for MHM Education. After getting the Ph.D., she plans to create a comprehensive curriculum of MHM and to promote a sustainable educational system beyond universities for learners around the world. She has been engaging herself as a member of the public relations for the students in the University of Tokyo and making coverage and to create the environment in which students’ activities can be enhanced. Before returning to the academic area, she has contributed in the organization design, service design, and design/operation of internal quality assurance system on the international organization for standardization (ISO) in the field of the business process outsourcing (BPO) service companies in Japan for ten years. She holds a Master’s degree in Management and Bachelor’s degree in Economics. She also worked as a flute teacher and player in Japan for five years. In 1994, she won the first prize in the solo competition for the wind and percussion instruments in Yamanashi. She studied the flute in Tokyo and Berlin from 1995 to 1998.

- Wissenschaftlich-methodische Fächer wie z.B. Methoden der empirischen Forschung, Evidenzbasierte Praxis, Biomechanik etc.
- Entwicklung und Validierung von Assessments und Messverfahren
- Epidemiologische Planung von Studien insbesondere Auswahl geeigneter Studiendesigns
- Datenanalyse mithilfe statistischer Software wie R, SAS, SPSS

University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany
- Studium der Sportwissenschaften an der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln (DSHS), Abschluss 2003
- Ausbildung zum staatlich geprüften Physiotherapeuten
- Sciences in Physiotherapy an der Hochschule Osnabrück (<link de scipos>SCIPOS)
- Musikergesundheit aus physiotherapeutischer Perspektive
- Sportwissenschaftliche Aspekte in der Physiotherapie
- Angewandte Biomechanik, sensorgesteuerte Diagnostik
- Mensch-Technik-Interaktion
- Alice G. Brandfonbrener Young Investigator Award der amerikanischen Vereinigung darstellender Künste (Performing Arts Medicine Association, PAMA): “The Potential Relevance of Altered Muscle Activity and Fatigue in the Development of Performance-related Musculoskeletal Injuries in Upper Musicians”. Chapman University, Orange, Ca/USA

Hochschule Osnabrück
- Professur Physiotherapie am Institut für Gesundheitsberufe, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Physiotherapie

University of applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany
- Professor for violin and viola

Institut für angewandte Physiotherapie und Osteopathie (INAP/O), Deutschland
- ist Physiotherapeutin und Manualtherapeutin, Masterabschluss (M.Sc. PT) mit Schwerpunkt „Disziplinäre Forschung“ an der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst (HAWK), Hildesheim;
- hat seit ihrer Kindheit mehrere Musikinstrumente erlernt und eine professionelle Gesangsausbildung bei Werner Compes absolviert;
- verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung in der Behandlung von SängerInnen und InstrumentalistInnen mit musikerassoziierten Beschwerden

Katharina Betten ist freischaffende Saxofonistin in Osnabrück und anderswo und diplomierte Saxofonlehrerin an der städtischen Musik&Kunstschule Osnabrück. Spielerisches Zuhause sind das „WunderhornQuartett” sowie das Ensemble „saxperience“. Darüber hinaus reicht ihr saxofonistisches Spektrum von Sinfonieorchester bis vielfältiger Musik im Kirchenraum

New York University, Department of physical theraspy, Steinhardt school of culture, education and human development, New york, USA
- Clinical research and health care industry.
- Skilled in Movement Analysis, Neurorehabilitation, Sports Medicine, and Healthcare.
- Research professional with a Master's degree focused in Physical Therapy from New York University

Oliver Margulies, PhD, MA, MAS. BA and MA studies for violin with R. Zimansky and A. Oprean and viola with Hatto Beyerle. 2005 to 2007 member of the UBS Verbier Festival Orchestra and 2005 of the Lucerne Festival Academy. Freelance work as chamber musician and in Swiss orchestras. Since 2007, teacher at the Zurich Music School and Conservatory. 2008 certificate as Dispokinesis teacher. Counseling and group courses in Dispokinesis. MAS in Music Physiology earned 2011 at the ZHdK. PhD in Scientific Music Education earned 2017 (joint PhD program between the Graz University of Performing Arts (KUG) and the ZHdK). Teacher for workshops in music physiology and lectureship at the Vorarlberg State Conservatory. 2009 Co-founder of the Zürcher Zentrum Musikerhand. From 2010, part-time assistant researcher in the Music Department of the ZHdK.

Akdeniz University, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department

Hara Trouli was born in Athens, Greece where she studied Medicine at the Athens Medical School and Piano Diploma at the National Athens Conservatoire. She has worked in surgery, orthopaedics and musculoskeletal medicine. She studied for the first Masters in Performing Arts Medicine at University College London a course she now leads since 2015 and where she teaches, organises curriculum and supervises research. She often gives talks on Performing Arts Medicine as guest speaker in international music schools and she regularly presents in international conferences on topics such as Clinics for Musicians, Wrist Problems of Musicians , Health of the Popular Musician, Muscle Activation in Pianists’ Upper Limbs and Focal Dystonia. She has published articles in music magazines scientific journals. She works as a clinician for the British Association of Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM) and privately in the Musicians’ Clinic in London, UK. Email: