Aktuelles und Publikationen



Genkova, P., Schreiber, H., Bogdanova, P., Lefringhausen, K., Smokova, L., Rasticova, M., Poor, J., Veresné, K. V., Suhajda, C., Viszetenvelt, A., Bjekic, J. (2025). Intercultural Competence and Prejudice: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Refugee Attitudes in Central and Eastern Europe. Frontiers in Psychology (submitted).

Genkova, P., Schreiber, H., Lefringhausen, K., Smokova, L., Rasticova, M., Poor, J., Veresné, K. V., Suhajda, C., Viszetenvelt, A., Bjekic, J. (2025). Unity in Diversity? Exploring National and European Identity Dynamics Across Central and Eastern Europ (in preparation).

Genkova, P., Herbst, J., Schreiber, H., Rašticová, M., Poor, J., Veresné, K. V., Suhajda, C., Viszetenvelt, A. & Bjekic, J. (2022). A comparative study on culture-specific and cross-cultural aspects of intercultural relations in Hungary, Serbia, Czech Republic, and Germany. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 886100.



Weitere Publikationen

Genkova, P. (2024). Handbook of Diversity Competence: European Perspective. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Genkova, P. (2024). Handbuch Globale Kompetenz. Wiesbaden: Springer. https://www.springerprofessional.de/handbuch-globale-kompetenz/50022284?tocPage=1

Genkova, P., & Schreiber, H. (2023). If You Like One, You Like Them All? The Relationship of Intercultural Competence, Contact, and Xenophobia. International Journal of Diversity in Education, 23(2). http://dx.doi.org/10.18848/2327-0020/CGP/v23i02/93-117

Genkova, P. & Schreiber, H. (2022). Diversity attitudes and sensitivity of employees and leaders in the German STEM-sector. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 960163. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.960163

Genkova, P., Semke, E., Schreiber, H. (2022). Diversity Nutzen und Annehmen? Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management. Wiesbaden: Springer. https://www.springerprofessional.de/diversity-nutzen-und-annehmen/20397134


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