Marketing, English
- Fakultät
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Version
Version 6.0 vom 16.10.2017
- Modulkennung
- Modulname (englisch)
Marketing, English
- Studiengänge mit diesem Modul
- Betriebswirtschaft und Management - WiSo (B.A.)
- Internationale Betriebswirtschaft und Management (B.A.)
- International Management (B.A.)
- Niveaustufe
- Kurzbeschreibung
To safeguard a sustainable competitiveness of companies, to cultivate markets and to gain customer’s loyalty marketing has a central meaning. For the implementation of a consistent market orientation all processes in the context of marketing management must be created and coordinated as well as possible.
- Lehrinhalte
- General basics of marketing
- Relevant theories and methods
- Marketing planning and processes – requirements and design principles
- Strategic and operative marketing
- Marketing controlling
- Exercises for the transfer of practical experience
- Lernergebnisse / Kompetenzziele
Students who have studied this module have broad fundamental knowledge of marketing. They know the current theories, methods, design principles, and optimization approaches they indicate important developments and requirements.
Students understand and interpret relevant marketing subjects and decisions in consideration of strategic and operative aspects as well as their interdependencies.
Können - instrumentale Kompetenz
Students use certain theories and methods for the design and optimization of marketing processes and for the decision making.
Können - kommunikative Kompetenz
Students know the specific vocabulary in marketing and can use it in the respective situation.
Können - systemische Kompetenz
Students recognize, grasp and analyse in case studies complex relationships and develop specific solutions.
- Lehr-/Lernmethoden
Lectures, exercises, case studies, presentations
- Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse
- Modulpromotor
Meyer, Ulrike
- Lehrende
- Eggers, Sabine
- Franke, Jürgen
- Griese, Kai Michael
- Roll, Oliver
- Wolf, Alexander Karsten
- Wesselmann, Stefanie
- Meyer, Ulrike
- Leistungspunkte
- Lehr-/Lernkonzept
Workload Dozentengebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 30 Vorlesungen 15 Übungen Workload Dozentenungebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 105 Veranstaltungsvor-/-nachbereitung
- Literatur
- Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Lloyd C.Harris, Nigel Piercy: Grundlagen des Marketing, 6. aktualisierte Auflage, Halbermoss 2016
- Heribert Meffert, Chrisitoph Burmann, Manfred Kirchgeorg: Marketing. Grundlagen marktorientierter Unternehmensführung. Konzepte -. Instrumente – Praxisbeispiele, 12 Auflage, Wiesbaden 2015
- Jochen Becker: Marketing-Konzeption. Grundlagen des zielstrategischen und operativen Marketing-Managements, 10. erweiterte Auflage, München 2013
- Masaaki Kotabe, Kristiaan Helsen: Global marketing management, Hoboken, NJ Wiley 2014 6. ed.
- Gary Armstrong / Philip Kotler / Marc Oliver Opresnik: Marketing: An Introduction. Gobal Edition, 12. Edition, Boston 2015
- Prüfungsleistung
- Klausur 1-stündig und Assignment
- Klausur 2-stündig
- Referat
- Prüfungsanforderungen
Knowledge of the basics, principles and methods for the design and optimization of marketing processes
- Dauer
1 Semester
- Angebotsfrequenz
Wintersemester und Sommersemester
- Lehrsprache