Anas bin Muslim, M.Sc.

Anas bin Muslim
Fakultät Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik
Hochschule Osnabrück
Postfach 1940
49009 Osnabrück
Raum UA 0313
Ursula-Flick-Str. 8-10
49076 Osnabrück
Weitere Kontaktdaten:
Telefon: +49 541 969-3332
Master of Science in Communication & Information Technology from Universität Bremen
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences Lahore, Pakistan
aktuell: Open5GpaceMaker
AgraNet (04/2018 - 03/2021):
Communications platform for mobile and time-critical agricultural processes
· Realization of a communication platform for Agricultural vehicular environments and Time-critical agricultural processes
· Robustness of agricultural communication while classifying and prioritizing the communication data
· Adaptation of multiple radio technologies where required along with the application-based response to communication bottlenecks
· Communication Networks Simulations
· Mobility in Communication Networks
· Software development
· Machine Learning
A. B. Muslim, R. Tönjes, T. Bauschert, “Synchronizing TSN Devices via 802.1AS over 5G Networks”, Electronics 2024, 13, 768.
F. Kahmann, A.B. Muslim, R. Tönjes, S.T. Islam, T. Bauschert, “Time Sensitive Networking via 5G - An Overview and Recent Advances”, 28. VDE/ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation - Technologien und Anwendungen, IEEE, Osnabrück, Germany, 2024.
A. B Muslim, R. Tönjes, “Simulating Time Sensitive Networks: Overview and Open Challenges”, The Ninth International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, AIP, Marrakech, Morocco, 2023
A. B. Muslim, C. Christoph, R. Tönjes, "Modelling Time Synchronization in WLANs in OMNeT++", 26. VDE/ITG- Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation 2022, Osnabrück.
T. Iggena, A. B. Muslim, M. Fischer, R. Tönjes, "Quality of Information aware LoRaWAN for mobile Nodes", 25. VDE/ITG-Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation 2021, Osnabrück.
A. Förster, A. B. Muslim, A. Udugama: TRAILS - A Trace-based probabilistic mobility model, MSWIM '18: Proceedings of 21st ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, October 2018
A. B. Muslim, F. Nordemann, R. Tönjes: Analysis of methods for prioritizing critical data transmissions in agricultural vehicular networks, WiMob October 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece.
J. Dede, A. Förster, E. Hernandez-Orallo, J. Herrera-Tapia, K. Kuladinithi, V. Kuppusamy, P. Manzoni, A. b. Muslim, A. Udugama, Z. Vatandas: Simulating Opportunistic Networks: Survey and Future Directions, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, January 2018
A. Förster, A. B, Muslim, A. Udugama: Reactive User Behavior & Mobility Models, Proceedings of the OMNeT++ Summit, September 2017, Bremen, Germany
A. Udugama, J. Dede, A. Förster, V. Kuppusammy, A. B. Muslim, Opportunistic Networking Protocol Simulator for OMNeT++, Proceedings of the OMNeT++ Summit, September 2017, Bremen, Germany
A. Udugama, B. Khalilov, A. B. Muslim, A. Förster: Implementation of the SWIM Mobility Model in OMNeT++, Proceedings of the OMNeT++ Summit, September 2016, Brno, Czech Republic