Logistics Management
- Fakultät
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Version
Version 14.0 vom 22.04.2021
- Modulkennung
- Modulname (englisch)
Logistics Management
- Studiengänge mit diesem Modul
- International Management (B.A.)
- Betriebswirtschaft im Gesundheitswesen (B.A.)
- Betriebswirtschaft und Management - WiSo (B.A.)
- Internationale Betriebswirtschaft und Management (B.A.)
- Wirtschaftsrecht (Bachelor) (LL.B.)
- Niveaustufe
- Kurzbeschreibung
The module gives a detailed overview about the strategies, processes and methods of logistics management. The students should know and understand the design and planning possibilities in logistics as well as understand, present, evaluate and develop their own suggestions for solutions.
- Lehrinhalte
- Functions in Logistics Management
- Stratetic and operative Logistics Management
- Inventory Management
- Demand Forecast
- Network planning (Facilities)
- Development trends and tendencies in Logistics Management
- Lernergebnisse / Kompetenzziele
Students had a far-ranging knowledge of logistics management. They know the main theories, concepts and methods and they are aware of the development and changes in knowledge and understanding referring to logistics management.
Students could understand and evaluate the concepts, methods, processes and systems in logistics management.
Können - instrumentale Kompetenz
Students could apply the learned methods and concepts, so that they are able to plan, control and accomplish logistics management.
Können - kommunikative Kompetenz
Students could use the concepts and methods of logistics management, in order to describe and present logistical problems in an adequate way.
Können - systemische Kompetenz
Students apply their skill and distinctive competencies and handle strategies and methods in a professional way.
- Lehr-/Lernmethoden
lectures;illustrations/ case studies;independent work;working in teams;presentations
- Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse
Knowledge in marketing and logistics
- Modulpromotor
Bruns-Vietor, Sabine
- Lehrende
- Bruns-Vietor, Sabine
- Freye, Diethardt
- Jacob, Axel
- Leistungspunkte
- Lehr-/Lernkonzept
Workload Dozentengebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 45 Vorlesungen Workload Dozentenungebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 75 Veranstaltungsvor-/-nachbereitung 30 Prüfungsvorbereitung
- Literatur
/01/ Timm Gudehus, Herbert Kotzab: Comprehensive Logistics, Reference for standard methods in logistics, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, E-Book ISBN 978-3-642-24367-7
/02/ Donald J. Bowersox, David J. Closs, M. Bixby Cooper, and John C. Bowersox: Supply Chain Logistics Management, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2012, isbn 9780078024054
/03/ Alan Harrison, Remko van Hoek, Heather Skipworth: Logistics Management and Strategy, Competing through the supply chain, 5th edition, Pearson, Harlow et al., 2014, ISBN 9781292004150, 1292004150 (suub, Uni Bremen)
- Prüfungsleistung
- Hausarbeit
- Klausur 2-stündig
- Portfolio Prüfung
- Bemerkung zur Prüfungsform
Die Portfolio-Prüfung umfasst 100 Punkte und besteht aus einer Präsentation (PR) und einer einstündigen Klausur (K1). Die Präsentation und die K1 werden jeweils mit 50 Punkten gewichtet.
- Dauer
1 Semester
- Angebotsfrequenz
Nur Wintersemester
- Lehrsprache