Child Protection


Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften


Version 7.0 vom 19.10.2017



Modulname (englisch)

Child Protection

Studiengänge mit diesem Modul

Soziale Arbeit (B.A.)




This module provides the opportunity to explore, analyse and reflect on International and European dimensions and issues in relation to child protection. Taking a children’s right perspective, students will investigate contemporary issues for the prevention and protection of children and young people from abuse and harm. A systemic approach will be taken to examine the different individual and wider social and cultural factors that impact on children and young people and their vulnerability to harm. A comparative approach will be taken to examine European and International policy and professional practice.


1. Contemporary International and European perspectives and policy on children and young people and families in contemporary society.
2. A systemic examination of the factors that led to vulnerability, harm and abuse
3. Recognition, diagnosis and management of harm and abuse
4. Approaches to working with children and young people who have been abused and their families and careers.
5. International and European dimensions on treatment and on prevention of harm.

Lernergebnisse / Kompetenzziele

The students will be able to outline a basic understanding and knowledge of social work in the field of child and youth protection.
The students will be able to identify and define the factors that led to children and young people being vulnerable to harm and abuse.
Können - instrumentale Kompetenz
The students will be able to apply a systematic theoretical framework in critically analysing and evaluating the different factors that impact on the lives of children and young people, with a particular focus on child protection and prevention.
Können - kommunikative Kompetenz
The students will be able to demonstrate professional social work values and a commitment to social justice and inclusion including a respect for children and young people and for their rights, value and promote fairness and justice, and adopt anti-discriminatory practices in respect of gender, sexual orientation, race disability, age, religion and culture.
Können - systemische Kompetenz
The students will be able to outline and explain different international and European policy and practice approaches to prevention, responding to and treatment of the abuse of children.


lecture; problem-based approaches to learning; group work; group work; field visit

Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse

All modules oft the first cycle, especially „Methodisches Handeln in der Sozialen Arbeit: Case Management und Dokumentation“, “Soziale Exklusion und Inklusion im Kontext Sozialer Arbeit“, „Psychologische und pädagogische Grundlagen der Sozialen Arbeit“, „Familien- und Jugendrecht für die Soziale Arbeit“


Hellmann, Wilfried

  • Adrian Croft
  • Janet Walker
  • Hellmann, Wilfried
  • Thönnessen, Joachim
  • Mc Cavisch, John; Shotts Jasper


Workload Dozentengebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
Workload Dozentenungebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp

Alle, F. (2012): Kindeswohlgefährdung. Das Praxishandbuch. 2., aktualisierte Auflage. Freiburg i.Br.

Beckmann, K. (2014): Kinderschutz in öffentlicher Verantwortung. 2. aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. Schwalbach

Bütow, B. / Gómez Jiménez, M.-L. (Hrsg.) (2015): Social Policy and Social Dimensions on Vulnerability and Resilience in Europe. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto

Forsberg, H. / Kroger, T. (2009): Social work and chlid welfare politics: Through Nordic lenses. Bristol: Policy Press

Hughes, L. / Owen, H. (Hrgs.) (2009): Good Practice in Safeguarding Children: Working effectively in child protection. London

Kelly, L. / Hagemann-White, C. / Meysen, T. / Römkens, R. (2011): Realising Rights. Case studies on state responses to violence against women and children in Europe. London

Montomery, H. / Kellett, M. (Hrsg.) (2009): Children and young people’s worlds: Developing frameworks for intergrated practice. Bristol: Policy Press

Schader, H. (2013): Risikoabschätzung bei Kindeswohlgefährdung. Weinheim

  • Mündliche Prüfung
  • Referat
  • Präsentation

The capability to analyse and reflect individual, social, environmental, cultural, political and social issues in child protection and to conceptualize social work practice and professional values as responses to such issues.


1 Semester


Nur Wintersemester

