Cult_Euro_1-Test for Intercultural Competences

Aims of the project

Goals and issues

The aim of the project is the validation of an innovative and holistic model including suitable measuring instruments for the assessment of intercultural competence, which can be applied in context-specific cultural overlapping situations as well as in culturally universal scenarios.

In addition, the concrete goal of this project includes five subgoals:

Subgoal 1: Review of a measurement approach for measuring intercultural competence.

Subgoal 2: Review the construct validity of the competence structure model of intercultural competence.

Subgoal 3: Check transferability to different target groups, check external validity.

Subgoal 4: Derive implications for intercultural competence development for specific target groups.

Subgoal 5: Compilation of a test battery for target group-specific diagnostics and promotion of cross-cultural and culture-specific intercultural competences.


In this project, the following questions are also addressed:

  • Is the to be recorded competence structure model of intercultural competences valid with its differentiation regarding culture-specific and cross-cultural sub-competences (construct validity)?
  • Can the expression of intercultural competence predict successful behavior in intercultural situations (prognostic validity)?
  • Can this be transferred to practical requirements (external validity)?
  • What specific abilities and skills distinguishes Intercultural Competence from other competences such as communicative competence, team competence, social competence (discriminant validity)?

Work program

The validation project and its main aim is divided into individual work packages for better illustration and control.

The focus of the research is to examine cross-cultural and culture-specific facets of intercultural competence. Within work package 1, questionnaires will be collected on those facets by the use of expert interviews and the Critical Incident Technique.

Work package 2 includes the development and implementation of suitable measuring instruments - both as an online survey instrument and as a paper-pencil survey instrument. In addition, adapted solutions for students, employed and unemployed persons will be developed.

The aim of work package 3 is to test validity criteria of the competence structure model for different target groups by checking, among others, construct validity, convergent validity to the Cultural Intelligence Scale and culture-specific competences for Germany.

Work package 4 is dedicated to the verification of the external validity of the model. In addition, the diagnostics and support tools will be made available free of charge via the website for all target groups.

Work packages 5 and 6 accompany the project from the beginning. The aim of these is the documentation and exploitation, presentation of results, monograph as well as project controlling and evaluation.

Expected use for the future

International economic interactions and migration make a valid definition, recording and development of intercultural competence simply indispensable. A valid diagnosis of intercultural competence can, for example, determine the state of previous experience and intercultural competence of your own employees, or monitor progress within the framework of systematic training and personnel development measures. For the assessment of potential employees from abroad it is also useful to record intercultural competence in general and for the German cultural area, since the integration of the newcomers will determine to a large extent how successfully or not the employees interact in the new environment.

Therefore, the field of application of the diagnostic procedure is the free economy, but also organizational and personnel development in authorities and educational institutions.