Financing studies
Paying for living, eating, learning material - the question of financing plays an important role for many people in deciding on a course of study. A semester fee applies to all students at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. Your public transportation ticket is funded by this which you can use on buses and trains across Lower Saxony. The reasonable prices in the cafeterias are also possible with this.
We have gathered tips on study financing under the following bullet points: from BAföG grants and study loans to scholarships up to current part-time jobs. You can also find information on the current semester fees.
Students at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences must pay a semester fee for each semester. The semester fee for the winter semester 2024/2025 is made up as follows:
Study programs in Lingen and Osnabrück*:
Administration fee: 75 Euro
Student services fee: 93 Euro
Student self-administration fee: 13 Euro
German semester ticket: 176.40 Euro
Total: 357.40 Euro
* does not apply for the extra-occupational Bachelor's degree programs "Management of Operational Systems" "Mechanical Engineering", "Nursing Management", "Nursing Science", "Physiotherapy" and "Plant Technology in Agriculture" and all non-consecutive part-time Master's degree programs; they pay the amount of 181 Euro reduced by the Germany semester ticket and / or the additional fees to be paid in accordance with the fee schedule of the degree program.
Student on leave of absence
For the winter semester 2024/2025, students on leave of absence pay an amount reduced by the administrative fee of
Study programs with Germany semester ticket:
Osnabrück and Lingen campuses: 282.40 Euro
Degree programs without a Germany semester ticket:
Osnabrück and Lingen campuses: 106,- Euro
Information on re-registration, including bank details, can be found here.
The Berufsausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG) (Federal Law on Support in Education) helps you to complete a course of study regardless of the financial situation of your family. You get half of the BAföG payments as a grant, the other half as a non-interest bearing loan that you repay over a period of up to 20 years.
In the BAföG Department of the Student Services Osnabrück, you can also receive personal consultation and get all application forms.
The General Students' Committee (AStA) also offers independent advice on BAföG. Further information can be found on the AStA website:
You can apply online at
Abteilung Studienfinanzierung des Studentenwerkes Osnabrück
Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück
Phone: +49 541 969-6310
E-mail: (please inform us, if you study at Osnabrück or Lingen)
Regardless of the BAföG, students in an advanced stage of their education can also apply for an education loan from the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) in the amount of the monthly maximum of €300 for up to 24 months. This is a low interest loan for the general financing of the degree program or for the financing of special study materials, a study abroad or an internship.
Benefits are granted by the Bundesverwaltungsamt (BVA) in Cologne. You can find more information, as well as the required forms on the BVA website.
Through the KfW Förderbank, students in undergraduate studies can receive between €100 and €650 per month to finance their living costs from the KfW Förderbank. Generally up to ten semesters are financed. All students get the same interest rate, regardless of major or location, grades, own income or theparents' income. Collateral is not required.
In addition to full time degree programs, additional, complementary, postgraduate and second degree programs and doctoral programs are eligible for funding.
The applications for the KfW student loan are provided in the online loan portal and submitted via the Student Services at the KfW. The Student Services Osnabrück offers personal advice and KfW student loans.
For more information relating to the student loans, go to the KfW Förderbank website.