Outgoing students
Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Studying abroad
Are you toying with the idea of studying abroad? That's a good idea. Stays abroad offer an excellent opportunity to broaden your academic and personal horizons.
You can choose from short summer or winter programs to full semesters abroad, depending on which format suits you best. For those who want even more, there is also the option of a double degree program. This allows you to obtain two degrees at the same time.
No matter what you choose, the International Faculty Office is happy to support you with your choice.
Get a taste of international life for a semester. Whether in Mexico, France or Australia - a study semester abroad opens up many opportunities for students at the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences. Here you can find some essential information about the study semester abroad.
This information provides a basic overview of studying abroad. For more specific information, please visit our information pages on the intranet.
For individual degree programs, there are dual degree programs in cooperation with partner universities in France, Indonesia, Scotland, South Korea and the USA. On the one hand, these programs can push your career opportunities in an increasingly global labor market. On the other, they enable you to gather international experience, broaden your horizon and develop yourself as a personality. Further information is provided by:
Gita Lestari-Kötting
Phone: 0541 969-3569
E-Mail: g.lestari-koetting@hs-osnabrueck.de
Would you like to improve your language proficiency? The courses offered by the partner universities of Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences are ideally suited to train your English, French and Spanish language skills. In addition, there are management and economics summer programs offered by partner universities in Slovenia and South Korea as well as the International Summer University at the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences.
You can also go abroad for an internship semester. Offers can be found at the Job Portal Praxiko.
The following videos will give you a first impression of studying abroad. These student contributions were created as part of a video competition and won the first three places.
Britta Horstmann-Koopmann
Outgoing Student Advisor: Europe (without Spain)
International Faculty Office, Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Office: CN 0205
Phone: +49 (0) 541 969-3632
- Office hours:
by appointment
Heike Reichel
Outgoing Student Advisor: Spain and Overseas Countries
International Faculty Office, Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences
Office: CN 0202
Phone: +49 (0) 541 969-3009
- Office hours:
Mon., Tue. and Thu.: 9:00 - 11:30 am
Wed.: 2:00 - 4:00 pm
and by appointment