Fields of Activity of Communication Management


Institute of Communication


Version 9.0 of 12/21/2022

Code of Module


Modulename (german)

Arbeitsfelder im Kommunikationsmanagement

Study Programmes

Kommunikationsmanagement (B.A.)

Level of Module


Mission Statement

Communications management has become highly differentiated into various fields of work. It is intended to support the performance goals as well as the organizational, leadership and social goals of organizations. This in turn requires the interaction of the individual fields of action that have emerged. Specific craftsmanship and skills are required in each. The module gives students an overview of the fields of work and practices with them the most important practical work tools.

  • 1. Fields of work
    1.1 Internal communication
    1.2 Change Communication
  • 1.3. Location PR
  • 1.4. Product PR
  • 1.5. Public affairs
  • 1.6. Investor and financial relations
  • 1.7. Issues management
  • 1.8. Sponsoring
  • 1.9. Online relations / Social media
  • 1.10. Risk and crisis communication
  • 1.11. Crosscultural Communication
  • 1.12. External consulting (agency / consultant)
  • 2. Toolbox
  • 2.1. Research tools
  • 2.2. Distribution list creation
  • 2.3. Calculation tools
  • 2.4. Service provider
  • 2.5. Event management
  • 2.6. Radio, material service
  • 2.7. Photo research
  • 2.8. Ad hoc publicity
Responsible of the Module

Fuhrberg, Reinhold

  • Baum, Achim
  • Dirkers, Detlev
  • Fuhrberg, Reinhold
  • Knorre, Susanne
  • Schwägerl, Christian


Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
Workload Dozentenungebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
Recommended Reading

Blickle, Gerhard (2019): Personalmarketing: In F.W. Nerdinger, G. Blickle, & N. Schaper (Hrsg.). Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (S. 252-269). Berlin & Heidelberg: Springer Lehrbuch. Buchholz, Ulrike und Susanne Knorre (2010): Gundlagen der internen Unternehmenskommunikation. Berlin.Einwiller, Sabine, Sackmann, Sonja, & Zerfaß, Ansgar (2020): Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation. Interne Kommunikation in Unternehmen. Wiesbaden: SpringerGabler.öhlich, Romy, Peter Szyszka und Günter Bentele (Hg.) (2015): Handbuch der Public Relations. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und berufliches Handeln. Mit Lexikon. Wiesbaden.Homburg, Christian (2017): Grundlagen des Marketingmanagements. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.Röttger et al. (2021): Handbuch Public Affairs. Wiesbaden.Zerfaß, Ansgar, Pleil, Thomas (Hg.) (2015):Handbuch Online-PR: Strategische Kommunikation in Internet und Social Web. Konstanz. Zerfaß, Ansgar et. al. (Hg.) (2020): Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation. Wiesbaden.

Graded Exam
  • Two-Hour Written Examination
  • Oral Presentation / Seminar Paper
  • Work samples, written
  • Work samples, practical
Examination Requirements

1 Term

Module Frequency

Only Summer Term

Language of Instruction
