Research Semester


Faculty of Agricultural Science and Landscape Architecture


Version 14.0 of 09/06/2019

Code of Module


Modulename (german)


Study Programmes

Landschaftsarchitektur (M.Eng.)

Level of Module


Mission Statement

During the "research semester" students apply their knowledge and skills in the processing of a research task in connection with research topics of the study field of landscape architecture of the university or a research institution within the professional field of the study program. In the process, a complex research, planning or design task is defined, further developed and scientifically structured.

  1. Definition of the learning objectives, determination of the focus of interest and learning-target-oriented selection of the project topic
  2. Professional and organizational preparation phase, conception
  3. Research phase, processing a specific research or project task, critical reflection of the applied methods and work steps or phases of work taking into account the relevant literature
  4. Preparation and presentation of the results, reflection of professional and personal experiences in a written report
Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Broadening
The students who have successfully completed this module have an overview of the technical, organizational and communicative requirements of research and development tasks in the field of landscape architecture and environmental planning.
Knowledge Deepening
They deepen their subject-related and methodological knowledge regarding a complex topic within the field of landscape architecture.
Instrumental Skills and Competences
They are able to design a complex research, planning or design task, to further develop it, to work on it scientifically, and critically reflect the state of research and the requirements of professional practice.
Communicative Skills and Competences
Students can plan and design communication processes as part of their research and development task. They are able to present their concepts and results in a structured manner in front of an expert audience using the technical language, to present them in writing and to discuss them.
Systemic Skills and Competences
They can assess their knowledge and skills in relation to the requirements of research and professional practice.

Mode of Delivery

Literature research and self-study, independent processing of a research task coordinated with the lecturers, own data collection, evaluation and textual representation.

Responsible of the Module

Kiehl, Kathrin

  • Müller, Cornelia
  • Müggenburg, Norbert
  • von Dressler, Hubertus
  • Kiehl, Kathrin
  • Manzke, Dirk
  • Rück, Friedrich
  • Schultz, Henrik
  • Milchert, Jürgen
  • Schoppengerd, Johanna
  • Petermann, Cord
  • Bouillon, Jürgen
  • Hänel, Kersten


Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
15betreute Kleingruppen
Workload Dozentenungebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
435Projekt, individuell
Recommended Reading

KARMASIN, M. & RIBING, R. (2017): Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten: Ein Leitfaden für Facharbeit/VWA, Seminararbeiten, Bachelor-, Master-, Magister- und Diplomarbeiten sowie Dissertationen. 9. Aufl. UTB, Stuttgart.

ESSELBORN-KRUMBIEGEL H. (2017): Von der Idee zum Text: Eine Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben. 5. Aktualisierte Aufl. UTB, Stuttgart.

STANDOP, E. und M. L. G. MEYER: Die Form der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit: ein unverzichtbarer Leitfadenfür Studium und Beruf, 16. Aufl., Wiebelsheim: Quelle & Meyer 2002.

VAN DEN BRINK, A., BRUNS, D., TOBI, H. and BELL, S. (2017): Research in Landscape Architecture – Methods and Methodology. Routledge 2017

Graded Exam

Project Report


1 Term

Module Frequency

Only Winter Term

Language of Instruction

German and English