Research and Innovation Management


Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences


Version 1 of 17.11.2023.

Module identifier


Module level


Language of instruction

German, English

ECTS credit points and grading


Module frequency

only winterterm


1 semester



Brief description

The module ”Forschungs- und Innovationsmanagement“ focuses on the relationships between science, innovation and the knowledge economy in the broad sense of the word. In a globalising economy driven by fast technological changes, research and innovation are considered to be the engine of growth and the development of modern ‘knowledge economies’. Europe as well as many countries have based their economic growth strategies on innovation and as such bring together higher education, research and innovation in the “knowledge triangle”.

This module addresses the following issues: the definitions, organisation and measurement of research and innovation; the relationships between research, innovation and the economy; regional development; organisational practices in science and technology transfer; project management and research proposal writing.

During the module, teams of students together will develop a research consortium and research proposal to conduct an audit of the German research, development and innovation (RD&I) system. This functions as the exam of this module.

Teaching and learning outcomes

  1. Science policy, innovation and links to the economy
    Basic concepts of research, innovation and the knowledge economy
    The dynamics of science and innovation policy: towards triple-helix configurations
    The challenges of European innovation policies
  2. Measuring science and innovation
    Measuring science and innovation
    How to determine the most important indicators?
    Steering science with indicators
  3. (Inter)national, regional & institutional research policy
    The role of research institutions in their region
    Regional versus (inter)national innovation policies
  4. Institutional approaches towards Research Management (Guest lectures)
    Research management integrated in traditional university structures
    Research management through a Science Support Center
  5. Project management and research proposal writing
    Basic steps in project management
    Research proposal writing: steps and example
    Group work: writing a research proposal to audit the German Research, Development and Innovation system

Overall workload

The total workload for the module is 125 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").

Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
42SeminarPresence or online-
Lecturer independent learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
83Preparation/follow-up for course work-
Graded examination
  • Oral presentation, with written elaboration or
  • Homework / Assignment
Remark on the assessment methods

The selection of graded and ungraded types of examinations from the given options is made by the instructors in compliance with the applicable study regulations.

Exam duration and scope

Report (R): presentation of approx. 20-40 minutes with written report of approx. 5-10 pages

Written paper: approx. 10-15 pages

The requirements are specified in the relevant class.

Recommended prior knowledge

Module "Grundlagen des internationalen Wissenschaftssystems (Foundations of the International Higher Education System)".

Knowledge Broadening

The students who successfully completed this module:

  • are knowledgable about the concepts of research, innovation and the knowledge economy.
  • are comfortable to discuss questions, reasons and possibilities for science and innovation policies and instruments at different levels.
  • know the opportunities and limitations of measuring research and innovation performance.

Knowledge deepening

The students who successfully completed this module:

  • have thorough knowledge of European and German RD&I policies and systems.
  • know how to translate European and national research, science and innovation policies to the needs and realities of their own HE and science institutions.
  • know how science support can be organised in different ways and understand the logics and argumentation behind these different approaches.
  • know how to use and interpret key indicators on research, science and innovation and what these mean and how they can be used in their own organisations.

Knowledge Understanding

The students who successfully completed this module:

  • are prepared for the academic and policy discussions on complex research and science tasks, even when leading to opposite perceptions of problems and solutions.
  • are prepared for joint collaboration with team members that are not self-chosen.

Application and Transfer

The students who successfully completed this module:

  • know how to translate conceptual issues about research and innovation into the management practice of higher education and science institutions.
  • know how to apply research and innovation management tools and formats into real-life cases within higher education and research institutions.
  • can apply project management tools / skills in the writing of a realistic research proposal.

Communication and Cooperation

The students who successfully completed this module:

  • can have well-argued discussions on the opportunities and risks of research and science policies / instruments.
  • understand the advantages and disadvantages of collaborating in a joint research proposal.
  • know how to distribute tasks and how to organise a joint presentation of results.


Exploring the Foundations: Basics of Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (

Gault, F. (2018), Defining and measuring innovation in all sectors of the economy, in: Research Policy, Vol. 47, pp. 617-622.

Gibbons (1999), Science’s new contract with society, in: Nature, Vol. 42, pp. 81-84.

Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000), The dynamics of innovation: from national systems and “Mode 2” to a triple Helix of University-Industry-Government relations, in: Research Policy, Vol. 29, pp. 109-123.

European Commission (2021), Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2021-2024, EC: Brussel.

RRI Tools Consortium (2018), A Practical Guide to Responsible Research and Innovation, Key Lessons from RRI Tools, Barcelona: La Caixa Foundation.

European Union (2021), European Innovation Scoreboard 2021, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union (

NFSD (2005), Project Management Handbook, A working tool for project managers, Basel: Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development.

BMFI (2021), Tender Documentation for a public contract with open procedure pursuant to Act. No. 113/201 Coll. on Public Contracts under the name: “INTERNATIONAL AUDIT OF THE RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION SYSTEM IN GERMANY”, German Ministry for Research and Innovation (BMFI), Berlin.

Oliver Locker-Grütjen, Bruno Ehmann und Georg Jongmanns (2012), Definition für optimales Forschungsmanagement. Wie umfassend kann Forschung unterstützt werden?

Weitere Literatur und weiterführende Hinweise sind zusammengefasst in einem Reader, den alle Studierenden vor Beginn der ersten Selbstlernphase erhalten.

Linkage to other modules

The module is related to "Grundlagen des internationale Wissenschaftssystems (Foundations of the International Higher Education System)".

Applicability in study programs

  • Higher Education and Research Management
    • Higher Education and Research Management MBA (01.03.2024)

    Person responsible for the module
    • Vossensteyn, Hans
    • Vossensteyn, Hans