Leadership and Teambuilding


Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences


Version 6.0 of 10/12/2017

Code of Module


Modulename (german)

Leadership and Teambuilding

Study Programmes

International Business and Management (Master) (M.A.)

Level of Module


  • The module consists of two parts

    I. Team-building (1st semester)
  • 1. Principles of teams, teamwork and group dynamics
    1.1 Group, team and organizations
    1.2 Causal factors and indicators of team competence
    1.3 Team roles and team standards
  • 2. Team competence: shaping roles and relationships for effective teamwork
    2.1 Stages of team building
    2.2 Communication, problem-solving and decision-making
    2.3 Team-building measures
    2.4 Team reflexivity

    The "Team-Building" part module can be replaced by an "excursion".

    II. Leadership training (2nd semester)
  • 1. Role and task of executives
    1.1 Reflecting one’s own experiences and leadership expectations (being led)
    1.2 Understanding leadership as an executive (leading)
  • 2. Appraisal interviews
    2.1 Setting targets and preparing interviews
    2.2 Moderation
    2.3 Feedback methods
    2.4 Target agreement talks
Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Broadening
The students learn by practical exercises to reflect their expectations with regard to leadership and to define their own role as executive manager.
Methodological resources, instruments and interventions for the leading of employees and teams/groups shall be used effectively.
Knowledge Deepening

Instrumental Skills and Competences

Communicative Skills and Competences

Systemic Skills and Competences

Mode of Delivery

Lectures, work in small groups, role plays, case studies, feed-back methods, moderation

Expected Knowledge and/or Competences

Fundamental principles of employee leadership (BA)

Responsible of the Module

Schinnenburg, Heike

  • Kumbruck, Christel
  • Reuter, Katja
  • von Papen, Jost
  • Schinnenburg, Heike
  • Steinkuhl, Claudia


Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
Workload Dozentenungebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
Recommended Reading

Bender, S. (2009): Teamentwicklung. Der effektive Weg zum "Wir".

Berne, E. (2007): Spiele der Erwachsenen. Psychologie der menschlichen Beziehungen. Reinbek (rororo).

Cohn, R. (2004): Von der Psychoanalyse zur themenzentrierten Interaktion. 15. Aufl. Stuttgart (Klett-Cotta).

Watzlawick, P., Beavin, J.H. & Jackson, D.D. (1996): Menschliche Kommunikation: Formen Störungen, Paradoxien. Bern (Verlag Hans Huber).

Laurie J.Mullins: Management and Organisational Behavior

Kriz, W./Nöbauer, B.: Teamkompetenz

Saul, Siegnar: Führen durch Kommunikation Weinheim1995

Harrison Owen: The Spirit of Leadership

Ungraded Exam

Viva Voce and Successful Participation

Assessment Methods Remark

Oral examination and successful participation


1 Term

Module Frequency

Winter and Summer Term

Language of Instruction
