design project 3: focus user


Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science


Version 14.0 of 12/12/2017

Code of Module


Modulename (german)

Designprojekt - Nutzer

Study Programmes

Industrial Design (B.A.)

Level of Module


Mission Statement

To perform complex design tasks it is imperative for the successful work as a designer. As part of the study, therefore, a focus of education is on the expansion of the capacity for meaningful integration of ergonomic and scientific issues in the design process.Especially taking into the aspect of product development, it is essential to sufficiently consider ergonomic aspects and apply them, especially in complex study projects.

Responsible of the Module

Hofmann, Thomas


Hofmann, Thomas



Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
Workload Dozentenungebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
Recommended Reading

Karl H. E. Kroemer, Henrike B. Kroemer u. Katrin E. Kroemer-Elbert, Ergonomics. How to design for ease and efficiency, 2. Aufl., Upper Saddle River 2002.

Holger Luczak, Arbeitswissenschaft. Konzepte, Arbeitspersonen, Arbeitsformen, Arbeitsumgebung, 2. korr. Aufl. Berlin 1991.

Wesley E. Woodson, Barry Tillman u. Peggy Tillman, Human factors design handbook. Information and guidelines for the design of systems, facilities, equipment, and products for human use, 2. Aufl., New York u.a. 1992.

Hans-Jörg Bullinger u. Rolf Ilg, Ergonomie. Produkt- und Arbeitsplatzgestaltung Stuttgart 1994.

Ulrich Burandt, Ergonomie für Design und Entwicklung, Bergisch Gladbach-Bensberg 1978.

Gui Bonsiepe, Interface. Design neu begreifen, Mannheim 1996.

Anja Kiehn u. Ina Titzmann, Typographie interaktiv! Ein Leitfaden für gelungenes Screen-Design, Berlin u. a. 1998.

Anton Stankowski, Visuelle Kommunikation. Ein Design-Handbuch, 2., erw., überarb. und verb. Auf., Berlin 1994.

Measuring the user experience, Tom Tullis, Bill Albert, MK 2010

Open Design Now - Why Design cannot remain exclusive, Bas van Abel, BIS, 2011

Universal Design, Oliver Herwig,Birkhäuser, 2008

ToDo - Die neue Rolle der Gestaltung in einer veränderten Welt, Florian Pfeffer, Hermann Schmidt, 2014

Graded Exam

Project Report, written

Examination Requirements

1 Term

Module Frequency

Only Summer Term

Language of Instruction

German and English