International Workshop Landscape Architecture
- Faculty
Faculty of Agricultural Science and Landscape Architecture
- Version
Version 7.0 of 08/31/2020
- Code of Module
- Modulename (german)
Internationaler Workshop Landschaftsarchitektur
- Study Programmes
Landschaftsarchitektur (M.Eng.)
- Level of Module
- Mission Statement
In the intense workingatmosphere of 7-10 Day workshop (Charrette) the students work together with other students from international partner universities. The intense designprocess is combined with fieldtrips to masterpieces in landscape architecture, urban planning or art.The course includes organization of the program, the preparation for the workshop and the reflection and documentation of the workshop. The workshop usually takes place on the projectsite. The offered workshop take place in Osnabrück (free of costs) or at an national or international destination (with additional costs for travelling).The participation on the course is due to the schedule possible at any time during the masterprogram.
- Content
- Preparation and organization of the workshopprogram
- International Workshop (Charrette) 7-10 days
2.1 Participation on the designwerkshop
2.2 Working in designgroups
2.3 Fieldtrips to masterpieces of landscape architecture, architecture, urban planning, landscaping and art - Reflection and documentation of the workshopresults
- Mode of Delivery
Workshop of 7-10 days together with international students and colleagues from partneruniversities
- Expected Knowledge and/or Competences
It can be helpful to refresh the capability to communicate in english with students and colleagues. We recommend to take part in the course program "English for Landscape Professionals" of the bachelor progam in landscape architecture.
- Responsible of the Module
Junker, Dirk
- Lecturer(s)
- Junker, Dirk
- Taeger, Stefan
- Credits
- Concept of Study and Teaching
Workload Dozentengebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 30 Exkursionen 50 Workshop 5 Präsentation Workload Dozentenungebunden Std. Workload Lehrtyp 20 Veranstaltungsvor-/-nachbereitung 45 Hausarbeiten
- Recommended Reading
- Selection of literature on international landscape architecture:
- Koolhaas, Rem: Yves Brunier : Landscape Architect ISBN 13: 9783764354367
- Sven-Ingvar Andersson and Steen Høyer: C.TH. Sørensen landscape modernist by Publisher: The Danish Architectural Press, ISBN-13: 978-8774072232
- Derek Jarman: Derek Jarman's Garden Publisher: Overlook Hardcover, ISBN-13: 978-0879516413
- Isamu Noguchi Art Katalog Noguchi Museum Queens N.N.
- Harvard Design Magazin Nr. 36 Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and design
- Penn design Penn Landscape Class of 2013
- Trans plant: Living vegetation in Contemporary Art; Hatje Cantz publishers ISBN: 3-89322-971-X
- Jan Gehl: Cities for People; Island Press, 2013; ISBN 978-1-59726-984-1
- Rem Koolhaas: S M L XL; Monacelli Press; 2nd edition; 1997; ISBN-13: 978-1885254863
- Izenour Venturi Robert: Learning from Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form; Mit University Press Group Ltd; 1977; ISBN-13: 978-0262720069
- Graded Exam
Homework / Assignment
- Duration
1 Term
- Module Frequency
- Language of Instruction