Management of International Supply Chains


Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften


Version 10.0 vom 28.10.2020



Modulname (englisch)

Management von internationalen Wertschöpfungsketten

Studiengänge mit diesem Modul

International Supply Chain Management (MSCM)




Due to increasing global competition and steady cost pressure, companies aim to identify and realize opportunities for improvement. A decreasing vertical range of manufacture and hence an increased cooperation within global supply chains account for the key role of logistics. A cross-company view of integrated supply chains calls for new solutions in logistics. This necessitates a holistic, effective and efficient planning, realization and control of all internal and external flows of material as well as the appending flows of information and monetary values.

  • A. Concept of Value Nets
  • 1. Drivers of International Networks
  • 2. Theoretical Framework: Make, Buy or Cooperate
  • 3. Transaction Cost Analysis
  • 4. Coordination through Trust

    B. Risk Management in Global Value Nets
  • 1. Risk Management Concepts
  • 2. Procurement-Process-Demand Risk
  • 3. Environmental Risk & Control Risk
  • 4. Supply Chain Risk Management Process
  • 5. Risk Strategies for known unknowns
  • 6. Risk Strategies for unknown unknowns

    C. Basics in SCM
  • 1. Fundamentals and Supply Chain Strategy
  • 2. Designing International Supply Chains

    D. Managing the Supply Chain
  • 1. Internationalization Strategies
  • 2. Planning Demand and Supply
  • 3. Planning and Managing Inventories
  • 4. Designing and Planning Transportation
  • 5. International Location Planning

    E. Information Technology in a Supply Chain
  • 1. Evolution der Digitalisierung
  • 2. Die Blockchain-Technologie
  • 3. Praxis-Beispiele aus der Prozess-Industrie
  • 4. Praxis-Beispiele aus der Stückgut-Industrie
Lernergebnisse / Kompetenzziele

Students who have successfully studied this module,
- understand the meaning of international networks as success factor for companies
- know the most important methods and instruments for the control of international supply chains.
Students who have successfully studied this module,
- have understood the operation procedures for international value networks
- have deepened, studied and applied selected methods and instruments of the supply chain management with practical applications.
Können - instrumentale Kompetenz
Students who have successfully studied this module,
- can contribute decisively in the organization and control of international value networks
- are able to apply meaningfully the learned instruments in supply chain optimizing in practice.
Können - kommunikative Kompetenz
Students who have successfully studied this module,
- can orientate themselves in the complex network of the international value network
- can develop analyses, evaluations and presentations for the organization of international supply chains.
Können - systemische Kompetenz
Students who have successfully studied this module,
- are able to use the learned methods and instruments for company specific supply-chain matters.

  • lectures
  • independent processing of case studies in small groups
  • presentation of the results by the students
  • external presentations
  • excursions
Empfohlene Vorkenntnisse



Buchholz, Wolfgang

  • Lückmann, Patrick
  • Schussmüller, Henning; Dircksen, Michael;


Workload Dozentengebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
Workload Dozentenungebunden
Std. WorkloadLehrtyp
30Studienanteil während der Arbeitszeit

Arndt, H. (2013): Supply Chain Management – Optimierung logistischer Prozesse, 6. Aufl., Wiesbaden 2005Bach, N., Buchholz, W., Eichler, B. [Hrsg.] (2003): Geschäftsmodelle für Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke, Wiesbaden 2003Bach, N., Brehm, C., Buchholz, W., Petry, T. (2012): Wertschöpfungsorientierte Organisation, Wiesbaden 2012 Busch, A., Dangelmaier, W. [Hrsg.] (2013)): Integriertes Supply Chain Management, Wiesbaden 2013Busch, A., Dangelmaier, W., Pape, U., Rüther, M. (2003): Marktspiegel Supply Chain Management Systeme, Wiesbaden 2003Christopher, M. (2016): Logistics and Supply Chain Management – Creating Value Adding Networks, 5rd ed., Harlow 2016Chopra, S., Meindl, P. (2015): Supply Chain Management – Strategy, Planning, and Operations, 6th ed., Upper Saddle River 2015Cohen, S., Roussel, J. (2006): Strategisches Supply Chain Management, Berlin/Heidelberg 2006Eitelwein, O., Goldsby, T., Pohlen, T., Wallenburg, M. (2008): The Evolution in Supply Chain Replenishment Models: New Opportunities to Create Value, in: Supply Chain Management 2/2008, S.17-24Mangan, J., Lalwani, C., Butcher, T., Javadpour, R. (2016): Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management; Wiley; 3nd edition, 2016Petry, T. (2006): Netzwerkstrategie, Wiesbaden 2006Rushton, A., Croucher, P., Baker, P. (2017): The handbook of logistics and distribution management, 6th ed., Kogan Page 2017Schulte, C. (2016): Logistik: Wege zur Optimierung der Supply Chain, München 2016Simchi, L., Kaminsky, P. (2007): Designing and Managing the Supply Chain, 3rd ed., Mcgraw-Hill Education Ltd., 2007Sydow, J., Möllering, G. (2015): Produktion in Netzwerken, 3. Auflage, München 2015Thonemann, U. (2015): Operations Management. Konzepte, Methoden und Anwendungen, 3. Auflage, Pearson Studium, 2015Werner, H. (2013): Supply Chain Management, 5. Aufl., Wiesbaden 2013Worldbank – Connecting to compete (, J., Swoboda, B., Morschett, D. [Hrsg.] (2005): Kooperationen, Allianzen und Netzwerke, 2. Aufl., Wiesbaden 2005




1 Semester


Nur Wintersemester

