What our international reserachers say
Many international researchers come to Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences each year. Here we introduce some of these scientists as examples. They tell us how they came to Osnabrück, what possible challenges they faced, and what it is like to be a researcher in Osnabrück.

Dr. Ana Izabela Sobral de Oliveira Souza and Jordana Barbosa da Silva
Post-Doc and PhD student from Brazil
Field of reserach: Physiotherapy
Ana Izabela: »At my university in Brazil, the number of students involved in research is bigger, however, the physical structure here is better and more accessible for all people who would like to do research. The equipment available at the labs differs a lot as it involves high technological devices and physical space for the evaluations.«
Jordana: »I think the feeling of walking into green spaces and the safety of riding a bicycle to go to the supermarket or to work is very pleasant! Germany is a safe place to be, and the country allows you to have a comfortable working-routine and rest-time. In my opinion all these characteristics contribute to increase the quality of life.«

Dr. Reazul Haq Bin Abdul Haq
Post-Doc from Malaysia
Field of reserach: Neural Network, Measurement and Calibration
»Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences offers extensive learning and research facilities for both students and staff in a comprehensive learning environment, with solid student support and a service system. Conducting research here encourages us to explore new fields to get a broader perspective and bring together new ideas and methods to solve interesting problems. It is my first time here in Germany, and to be true, it is such an amazing place. The vibes and atmosphere here are different from the country that I lived in. I enjoy my stay here a lot and hope this is not the last. No words can describe the feelings - you should be here yourself to feel them.«

Dr. Mariana Birche
Post-Doc from Argentina
Field of reseach: Landscape Architecture
»I am glad that my team at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences speaks English with me. In my everyday life, when people notice that I am not native German speaker most of them offer to speak English (or some other people help). However, I am also studying German and I can get along with the basic words and conversations. All the people I have met were extremely nice. I learned a lot in this place and still do. It is a good place for researching with a new focus.«

Anna Ngwenyi Mafor
Researcher from Cameroon
Field of Research: Automation and und Digitalization of Agriculture
»I chose Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences for my research project, because it is a top comprehensive university recognised in Europe and the world for its teachings, outstanding facilities and research expertise in agriculture, innovation and technology. In addition, the university has a diverse community of researchers that promotes networking and collaboration among each other. The university also has beautiful classical buildings and scenery that provide a gateway for students to refresh their minds after lectures and research. Osnabrück is a city of peace in nature.«

Julianna Posey
PhD student from the USA
Field of Research: Mechanical Engineering
»The international community in Osnabrück is close-knit and welcoming, both for students and international researchers alike. Throughout the city, once you know one person, you immediately know about five more people. Osnabrück will put you outside of your comfort zone, but it will also give you the support that you need to grow as long as you seek it out. I have sincerely appreciated living and working here in Osnabrück, and while it was certainly difficult to move here and start a new life abroad, I have found a home here where I can thrive. For this reason, I would absolutely recommend international researchers to come to Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences.«

Bright Appiah Adu-Gyamfi
PhD student from Norway
Field of Research: Aircraft and Flight Engineering
»My name is Bright Appiah Adu-Gyamfi from the Arctic University of Norway and I am staying at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences as a researcher. My research is about performance analysis of hybrid electronic airplanes. I really cherish the opportunity of being here in Osnabrück. It gives me the privilege to be involved in this huge project, which is going to be a game-changer for the future.«